Why Storage Space Rental is a Great Way to Declutter Your Home

Admit it. You have plenty of items lying around in your home that you don’t use or don’t really need. You see them every single day and you always find yourself saying, “I’ve got to get these things organized!” but never really get around to doing so.

As a result, your house feels and looks like a mess.

Well, if it’s of any comfort to you, you are not alone. One in every four Americans has a clutter problem. That’s not surprising, given that the average American home contains 300,000 items. 

That’s a lot of stuff!

And if you can relate, you know you definitely have a cluttered house, which affects your ability to focus on day-to-day tasks. It is difficult to prioritize things that need to be done when there are so many distractions around the house competing for your attention. 

Plus, keep in mind that the longer things are left lying around the house, the harder it gets to either organize or get rid of them. The time to declutter is now. But how?

Where do you put all your items that are just so difficult to get rid of?

Well, here’s an idea: Why not try renting a storage space?

Why is a storage space rental a great way to declutter?

You might be wondering why we’re suggesting a storage space. Well, we didn’t pull this idea out of thin air. Renting a storage space to help you declutter your home may not be the first option you would take, but it does make sense. 

Here are the reasons why.

Renting a storage space will help you declutter quickly.

People tend to procrastinate when it is time to clean up messes. There is always a reason to postpone the task and it is not hard to understand why. If your home is disorganized and messy, chances are you’ve lived with the clutter for a long time and the motivation to tidy up just isn’t there.

Renting a self-storage space is an additional cost. Renting a self-storage unit will cost you anywhere from $40 a month for a small 5×5 non-climate controlled unit. The cost of renting a bigger storage unit can go as high as $225.

Therefore, it is a good motivation to declutter your home quickly and make good use of the space. After all, you’re paying for it! 

And if you are paying for it, you might as well put your storage unit to immediate use by relocating the clutter in your home. The good thing is that you do not even have to inventory your clutter. Just load them up and transport them to your rental storage space where you can sort and organize them later.

You get the best of both worlds.

The problem with decluttering is that you’ll have the tendency to just want and throw away everything, especially if just want to get it over with. But what if you end up throwing out stuff that you might want to actually keep later?

Well, that’s the beauty of renting a storage space. It helps strike a balance between decluttering your home while still keeping things that you can’t seem to get rid of. You still get to keep items that are more than just unnecessary purchases but are of great sentimental value. And you keep your home neat, organized, and stress-free from clutter.

Think of it this way. A self-storage unit is like a memory box for your all favorite items. They may no longer be useful around your home but is worth keeping for the value they hold in your heart.

You can organize your clutter at your own pace.

You can embark on a do-it-yourself declutter project in a self-storage rental unit at your own pace. Again, as mentioned above, you might just want to throw everything away, but at least with a storage unit, you can just dump everything in the unit first and then get organized later.

You’ll have the freedom to remove the clutter from your home without having to go through the tedious task of going over each and every item in a short period. You can inventory the items in the storage space on a specified schedule, making the process easier to accomplish.

As you go through every item, it will be like a trip down memory lane of cherished events and occasions. With the solitude offered by having a space away from your home to keep these items, you can indulge in a bit of nostalgia from good days past. There’s no time pressure, after all. 

Do you really need to declutter?

You know that it is time to seriously declutter your home when you constantly misplace items and it takes you more than a day to find them. Decluttering your home is also in order when you are too embarrassed to invite people over to your house. You may be able to put up with the mess around your house, but you know that others can’t.

A cluttered house can also be a cause for accidents such as tripping over boxes, clothes, toys, and piles of books or magazines. Stacks of paper can also be considered a fire hazard.

There is also an emotional side to having a cluttered home. As they say, mess equals stress. A cluttered home is a source of stress for more than half of homeowners. Women who perceive their homes as cluttered had higher levels of stress than women who had neat and organized homes.

So if you want to avoid any of these negative emotions or possible happenings, you SHOULD declutter.

Is it difficult to find a storage space for rent?

To be honest, and thankfully, the answer is no. There are more than 50,000 self-storage rooms, compartments, lockers, containers, and outdoor spaces available for rent across the USA. Texas, California, and Florida have the most number of units available.

Let’s say you live in Texas, California, or Florida. A quick Google search of “storage space near me” would yield thousands of choices! 

Plus, storage spaces come in different shapes and sizes. You’ll be free to rent whichever one fits your needs the most, as long as it’s available.

Looking for storage space for rent in Orange City, FL?

If you are on the lookout for that extra space with lots of room to keep your clutter as you sort through them, you can rent a storage space in Orange City, FL. And there’s nowhere better to rent from than us at Shadick Workshop Florida! We offer a variety of self-storage units for individuals, businesses, hobbyists, or just about anybody who need additional space.

And if you are looking for that extra space for your business, you don’t have to Google “garage workshop space near me” if you’re looking for one. We also offer these spaces for rent. 

In short, whether it’s for your business or personal life, our rental spaces are just what you need!

Give yourself a break from the clutter. Give us a call now and reserve the storage space that you, your family, or your business needs!