Things to Look for Your New Office Space in Orange City, FL

So you’ve been running a business in Orange City for a few years now, and find that your current office space is getting too small for you and your employees. Hey, you’re a growing business after all! 

Before anything else, congratulations are in order! Now, we have to do something about your space situation. And of course, the only solution to that is to rent office space in Orange City, FL – a bigger one than the one you are currently occupying.

But aside from space, there are other factors you should consider before deciding on what you’re going to rent. After all, you’re going to want to keep you and your employees happy while staying in that space for eight hours a day, five days a week, right? 

Still not sure what to consider before settling on an office space? Well, don’t worry! Here are some things you should consider when looking for an office space for rent (Orange City, FL location).

1. Where the office space is located.

​​“Location, location, location,” is a very famous phrase. It generally connotes that location is important. And it is really very important when it comes to your office. The place of your new office should be something that is accessible not only to you, but also to your employees, and especially your clients and customers. That means ideally, you should be near a train station, a bus stop, or pretty much any kind of commute or transportation. 

Ideally, also, you won’t be in an area where traffic jams normally occur. You don’t want your employees to be late all the time, nor do you want your clients to feel that it’s a hassle visiting you. And find out the parking situation in that area. Your space would still be hard to get to if you or your visitors will have to park far away then walk.

Another thing you should consider about office space is what’s near the space. Are there any coffee shops, restaurants, convenience stores, and bars in the area? Those places would go a long way into making your employees and visitors happy, especially after work or during break times.

One last thing: even though rental prices may be cheap, do not rent at an obviously shady neighborhood or area. You don’t want you, your customers, or your employees to feel unsafe while going to your office, right?

2. The other offices in the area.

Here’s another thing to consider: if you rent at a certain space, what other businesses will you be working alongside? This is important to know because some businesses may not be ideal to work with, especially if you have the same working hours. For example, your space rental might be next to a car repair shop. If your business is a call center, your employees might not be able to work well with a lot of banging coming from the next office.

And speaking of cars, you also might not find it pleasant working next to a car painting shop. The fumes might escape their office while they work. And while they have masks to protect themselves, you and your employees don’t. 

See the importance of finding out what businesses are going to be allowed in the space you’re considering? Good. Let’s move on to what you should consider next.

3. If you can afford it in the long run.

Let’s say you’ve found a really big office space that will fit you and your employees, and is suitable for conducting your business. You’re excited to learn how much it is. But when you see the price tag, your heart sinks – it’s way more than you currently make!

As much as you want a space that’s big, beautiful, and fits your employee number, you don’t want to end up spending more than you can actually afford. The long-term effect of that will be that you’re going to have to work harder to make more, or you’re going to have to fire some of your employees to make up for that additional cost. We’re sure you don’t want to do that.

Of course, that’s not to say that a lower price is always better. You might end up with a space that’s big enough for your business but with shoddy, cheap materials, and the everyday fear that the space might collapse on you. Your employees might also feel that you’re just being cheap, and that lowers morale.

In short, go for something that’s not too expensive, and not too cheap. Just right is the goal!

4. The inclusions.

So you might have found a nice big space that has the perfect location. And guess what: it’s well within your price range! So now, you’re ready to move in and start renting, right?

Well, before you do that, you need to do two things. First (and obviously), make sure to read the contract from the first page to the last page. Also, make sure to read the fine print so you know if you’re actually paying for everything, or if you’re going to end up paying for even more. For example, is your $2000 going to cover rental, security, parking spaces, and so much more? Or are those add-ons that will require you to shell out more money?

Make sure to talk to your landlord for any clarifications you will need to put your mind at ease.

5. The infrastructure.

Just about any business nowadays needs good Internet connectivity, making this an essential factor when you’re deciding on office space. A lot of spaces include Internet connectivity when you rent, but is it a good kind, as in its fast and stable? And if anything happens to your Internet, will repair be easy to do, or will it take the provider days before arriving in your area?

And take note: Infrastructure doesn’t just mean the internet. If your business still works with mail or phone lines, check if you’ll have easy access to these services. And of course, check your mobile phone signal. If it’s a bad signal, you’re better off renting a space somewhere else.

Shadick Workshop Florida – your right space, for the right price.

If you’re still Googling “office space near me” or “workshop space near me” after reading this article, we’re here to tell you that you no longer have to. Just start renting from us at Shadick Workshops. In the four-city area of Deltona, Deland, Orange City, and DeBary we’re pretty much the destination for industrial workspace rentals.  

When you rent a space with us, you’ll have your business up and running in no time. We have plenty of available units and very affordable pricing, with spaces you can customize to fit you and your business needs.

Plenty of businesses have rented from us, including machine shops, woodworking businesses, and florists. They appreciated the fact that we have given them 24/7 access to their offices, plenty of parking for their visitors, very good security, and so much more.

Contact us today and let us show you what we can do for you and your business. We’ll be waiting!